Rotary and SES help make train tour visit a success

The Paterson Rail Motor Society visited Condobolin as part of their annual Rail Motor Society Paterson Central West Explorer Tour.

This year was a six-day tour from Paterson to Paterson. It was held from Friday, 7 June until Wednesday, 12 June.

The 85 participants in this year’s tour pulled into Condobolin Railway Station on Saturday, 8 June.

The tour, gives participants the opportunity to sustain their passion for trains and history, visit new parts of the country, engage in comradery around a common interest.

Condobolin Rotary Club members were very happy to be involved when Spencer Ross, the Rail Motor Society tour organiser, called to seek interest in catering for their lunch.

“This was a wonderful fundraising opportunity, bringing visitors from out of town to support our local community,” Condobolin Rotary member Michelle Horvat said.

“Condobolin Rotary partnered with Condobolin SES volunteers to ensure the event was a success.

“Hosts and guests both enjoyed a fabulous, friendly afternoon and a delicious late afternoon barbecue.”

The tour schedule was:

Day 1: Paterson – Parkes (staying four nights in Parkes); Day 2: Tottenham and Condobolin – on the Tottenham line (lunch in Condobolin); Day 3: Nevertire and Warren – on the Warren line; Day 4: Off-train trip to Parkes and Forbes where visits include the Parkes Dish and the Forbes Motor Museum; Day 5: Temora and Cootamundra, visiting Temora Railway museum. Overnight to Goulburn; Day 6: Mossvale then down the rail line to Wollongong, Sydney and on to Paterson.

Last Updated: 19/06/2024By

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