To all the Farmers and farming families affected by the drought over the past couple of years who received vouchers from the Condo Cook Up, please remember to use them especially with Christmas just around the corner.

They can be used for anything the participating stores provide, goods or services.

Almost 14,000 vouchers went out. Less than 500 have been used so far.

The Condo Cook Up is an annual event that aims to raise money for local community causes. The focus of that in the last two years has been the drought. Affecting many people and businesses in Condobolin.

They raised funds from events held in 2018 and 2019, the Lifting Sprits Dance held in Condobolin in December 2019 with Macca (Ian MacNmara), donations from St Mary’s Rugby League Club and the Camden Cricket Club and from the many individuals within our community who personally donated.

Due to the current Pandemic, the inability to hold large public gatherings and any planning for when restrictions are lifted, the decision was made to postpone until further notice the 2020 event.

It was decided to disperse the available funds to farmers in the community as vouchers, to be used as they wished from the following Condobolin business: Affordable Furniture, Better Home Living , Central West Tyres, Chamens IGA, Condo Quality Meats, Condobolin Newsagency, Don Lark’s Motorcycles, Equipment and Service, Florist La Fleur, Foodworks , Happy Daze Coffee Lounge, Lachlan Agencies, Leanne’s Hairdressing, Owens Rural Supplies, Peter Harris Dental, Railway Hotel , RJ’s Hairdressing, Romos Café, Royal Hotel , Shortis and Timmins Pharmacy, The Hall and Yours and Mine Vogue.

Contributed by Karen Brangwin, Publicity Officer Condobolin CWA.

Last Updated: 17/12/2020By

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