Condobolin Sports Club Women’s Bowls
Wednesday 22nd September one game of Handicap singles was played between Wendy Ryan, on a three shot handicap and Pam Nicholl, on a one shot (-2) handicap. Wendy started the more consistent, Pam taking a few ends to make up the -2 shots, while Wendy increased her lead. After nine ends, the score was Wendy 9 and Pam 0.
On the tenth end Pam score 4 shots and was on her way, the fourteenth end Pam lead 12-11. Pam going on to win 31-14 after Wendy just couldn’t get off 11 shots, staying scoreless for eleven ends. Congratulations to Pam and commiserations to Wendy.
Thank you to Pauleen Dimos for marking this match.
Thursday 23rd September eight ladies turned up for Social bowls.
A game of Fours was played with Liz Goodsell, Judy Johnson, Margaret Dopper and Beryl Field having a one shot win over Tracy Powell, Yvonne Johnson, Colleen Helyar and Pam Nicholl, 14-13.
A reminder that two Club events have been dated for play. First round of Consistency Singles is play or forfeit on or before this Saturday 2nd October. First round of Championship Triples is play or forfeit on or before Saturday 9th October.
Mel Rees, Zena Jones and Felicity Saunders will play Sue Thomas, Cathy Thompson and Danielle Thompson.
Jenny Logan, Janelle Taylor and Marilyn Seton will play Yvonne Johnson, Wendy Ryan and Judy Johnson.
Our October meeting will be held on Thursday 7th October, commencing at 6.00pm.
Condobolin Sports Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th October, commencing at 6pm. All Members are invited.
On the draw for Social bowls on Thursday 30th September are Yvonne Johnson and Colleen Helyar. Names in by 11.30am, play at 12.00pm. On the draw for Thursday 7th October are Margaret Dopper and Pauleen Dimos. Names in by 11.30am, play at 12.00pm.
Best wishes to those on the sick list and good bowling to all.
Keep safe,
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