Mherv in Condobolin
The Men’s Health Education Rural Van (Mherv) was in Condobolin early in September.
Mherv is a custom built caravan with a dedicated Registered Nurse travelling the state of New South Wales offering free health screenings to regional and rural men, who are notorious for being completely in the dark about the state of their health.
Registered Nurse Rob Woolley was on hand to check cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in local men who chose to visit the van. Local Rotary members such as Keith Dawe, were also on hand to distribute information and have a chat.
Each year in Australia more than four men die every hour from conditions that are potentially preventable – that’s 41,000 men a year – so Mherv takes to the road to highlight the need for men to take an interest in their health. Mherv is a Rotary project made possible by fundraising, generous sponsorships and time freely given by hundreds of Rotary volunteers.MB.
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