With the weather heating up, and despite the significant wet season the Shire has experienced, Council is reminding residents that Level One water restrictions are still in place for the whole shire. The Level One restrictions apply to all potable and non-potable water supplies. Image Credit: Wikipedia.


Despite the significant wet season, the Shire has experienced, Level One water restrictions are still in place for Condobolin and the entire Lachlan Shire.
The Level One restrictions apply to all potable and non-potable water supplies.
“The current use of potable water across the shire has increased by approximately 200 per cent in comparison to November 2022,” a statement from Lachlan Shire Council on Friday, 20 January said.
“This significant increase in demand over such a short period of time creates problems for Council’s water treatment plants. All water treatment plants have a capacity limit on the volume of water that can be produced and currently, high demand is exceeding the capacity.
“Council is encouraging the community to review their daily water usage and watering habits with a concerted effort to conserve water where possible.”
Under Level One water restrictions the following conditions apply:
•Watering gardens for residential and non-residential properties is permitted daily, with watering times between 6:00pm – 9:00am.
•Irrigation of new turf is permitted for one week after laying, after which Level 1 restrictions on watering lawns applies.
•Washing down walls or paved surfaces is not permitted.
•First fill and topping up of public and private swimming pools permitted.
•Washing vehicles at home with bucket permitted, and rinse with trigger hose on the lawn at any time. There are many easy water-saving measures that can be implemented, such as taking shorter showers, turning the tap off while brushing teeth, and installing tap timers in the garden. For more smart water advice visit https://www.smartwatermark.org/Centroc/
For further information or clarification please contact Council on 02 6895 1900.

Last Updated: 25/01/2023By

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