Kiacatoo CWA
Our meeting held at the Hall on 8 June saw nine of us present with no birthday girls.
After lunch we discussed our Police Checks for the Village so we can do the afternoon tea up there.
We also received an invitation from the Forbes Branch to attend their 95th Birthday party on 14 September.
It was also discussed and we did decide to take a trip somewhere to celebrate the 100th year of CWA. We have also suggested asking old members for afternoon tea or such to celebrate the 100th year.
Ladies, for August we are having biscuits for our competition. You have to make your favourite biscuits and share the recipe with the rest of us.
We called our meeting to an end and sat back to our guest speaker, Lesley Crook, who talked to us about her travels overseas. We were all very interested in listening to Lesley and at the time she was showing us some of her artifacts she had brought back with her when the weather suddenly changed and the rain started to bucket down, drowning out what Lesley was saying.
So it was quickly called to an end and Lesley was asked to come back again later so she could finish her talk.
Thank you so much Lesley for your talk, sorry about the rain.
Bye for now.
Contributed by Kiacatoo CWA Publicity Officer Judy Bell.
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