Leonie recognised with major award
By Melissa Blewitt
Condobolin Health Service’s Leonie Parker has been named the winner of the 2019 NSW Health Staff Member of the Year Award.
She was recognised as the winner of the Staff Member of the Year award for her work in Women’s Health services for rural and Aboriginal communities in Western NSW, at a gala presentation in Sydney last week.
There were 37 finalists competing for 12 award categories. Overall there are 146,000 staff in NSW Health, which means this award is a great reflection of the work that is done by dedicated and passionate people in smaller, rural communities, like Condobolin.
Leonie provides clinical gynaecology and Women’s Health services for small rural communities with high Aboriginal populations in the western part of the state.
She is a well-respected nurse not only in Condobolin but in the WNSWLHD. She is on a number of committees that represent rural Nurse Practitioners, a highly specialised category of nursing, and is a strong advocate for Women’s Health.
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