Learning to blow your nose

On Wednesday, 5 June Miss Fiona visited Lachlan Children Services to teach everyone how to blow their nose properly. “She talked about how our noses and ears are connected and it is important to blow our nose to clear the tube,” a post on the Lachlan Children Services Facebook Page read. “She read us a book about Do your ears hang low? The children found this very funny. “The children then watch Sally (puppet) teach Sam (puppet) how to blow his nose rather than sniff. “The children were given a tissue to fold on the magic line and then they put it up to their nose blocked one nostril and blew then they repeated that for the other nostril. “Then they fed the monster (bin) the tissues and had to wash their hands. “Miss Fiona explained that to keep our ears healthy we had blow our nose, wash our hands, eat crunchy fruit and vegetables and exercise. “The session finish with the children running on the spot and doing star jumps,” the post concluded. Image Credits: Lachlan Children Services Facebook Page.

Last Updated: 04/07/2024By

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