Kathy Parnaby shares Australia Day Award
Kathy Parnaby was selected as a winner of the Lachlan Shire Community Service (Australia Day Award) along with Meredith Ervin of Lake Cargelligo. Kathy was also nominated for the Lachlan Shire Council 2025 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Award.
The following is Kathy’s summary that was read at the ceremony.
Kathy has held many positions and executive roles and is an active member on various committees. Kathy has been a local business owner in Condobolin for over 50 years and raised four children in Condobolin. Kathy is also found behind the lens capturing the true spirit of the Condobolin Community with her fantastic photos and memories
Kathy is a quiet achiever and gets in and gets the job done for the benefit of others. Kathy’s contributions have spanned over many years and has often gone unnoticed. Kathy has played pivotal roles in keeping many local events on the Lachlan Shire Calendar. Kathy has been involved with 14 different committees which include Western Plains Regional Development Board Member and Chairperson, Forbes Rodeo, Condobolin High School P and C Association, Arts out West, Condobolin Picnic Race Committee and Condobolin Show Society and the Condobolin Pipe Band Committee to name a few.
She is always busy making events a success or giving back for the greater good of the Condobolin and broader community.
Image Credits: Melissa Blewitt.
ABOVE: Kathy Parnaby (left in yellow) with her Lachlan Shire Community Service Award along with the other recipient, Meredith Ervin. Image Credits: Melissa Blewitt.
- Kathy and her family. Image Credits: Melissa Blewitt.
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