Students from Condobolin High School, OneSchool Global Condobolin Campus, Yanco Agricultural High School and Kinross Walaroi School started the 2021 HSC written exams with English Paper 1 on Tuesday, 9 November. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.


After a very disjointed Year 11 and Year 12 due to COVID-19 lockdowns, the end is finally in sight for very resilient local students.
Students from Condobolin High School, OneSchool Global Condobolin Campus, Yanco Agricultural High School and Kinross Walaroi School are now undertaking their Higher School Certificate (HSC).
They joined 69,000 HSC students, when they started the 2021 HSC written exams with English Paper 1 on Tuesday, 9 November.
The students, said on the whole, the English Paper was “okay” but they did admit there was one tricky question, which made them have to carefully ponder the answer required.
They all said COVID-19 really affected how they studied, as they had little class time and face-to-face discussion in the final months of Year 12.
Shaylee Saunders, who attended Condobolin High School, said she had been studying to the best of her ability.
“I really tried my best and I studied the best that I could,” she explained.
“COVID-19 restrictions really disrupted me and at times I lost motivation as I wasn’t in the class room a great deal as lockdowns were in place.”
Shaylee didn’t have much time to relax after her first English Paper, as she had to attend her Aboriginal Studies exam in the afternoon.
She added that she was most concerned about her Maths exam, as it was one of her least favourite subjects.
“I will just try to chill in between exams and do as much study as I can,” Shaylee said.
Shaylee has received an early entry offer for General Studies at Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga, but has chosen to also apply for a traineeship at the Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said students had displayed an impressive resilience to push through the disruptions caused by the pandemic and be ready for their written exams.
“HSC students, with the support of their teachers and families, have displayed incredible resilience and perseverance over the past eighteen months,” Ms Mitchell said.
“I thank them all for adapting to the myriad of challenges and disruptions and wish all of them the best of luck for their exams.
“This is an exciting time for students to demonstrate all of their hard work, as they finish their thirteen years of schooling.
“Most importantly, I encourage students to reach out and ask for help if they’re feeling overwhelmed. There are some great resources available on the Stay Healthy HSC website, or they can speak to a family member or a friend.”

Shaylee Saunders, who attended Condobolin High School, said she had been studying to the best of her ability for the HSC. Shaylee has received an early entry offer for General Studies at Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga, but has also chosen to apply for a traineeship at the Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.

Shaylee Saunders, who attended Condobolin High School, said she had been studying to the best of her ability for the HSC. Shaylee has received an early entry offer for General Studies at Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga, but has also chosen to apply for a traineeship at the Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.

Last Updated: 24/11/2021By

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