Condobolin SHINE Women’s Group member Bianca Wighton and Marathon Health Peer Worker Anita Johnson were involved in the ‘Art in the Park’ initiative held on Tuesday, 2 November. SHINE Women is a unique personal development and group mentoring tool that uses an inspirational, practical and experiential approach to learning. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.


The Condobolin SHINE Women’s Group are excited to be exploring new learning and friendship opportunities.

On Tuesday, 2 November the group took part in an ‘Art in the Park’ initiative, and on Tuesday, 9 November there was a ‘Tie Dye in the Park’ event.

The Condobolin SHINE Women’s Group is co-ordinated by Marathon Health and CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes.

SHINE Women is a unique personal development and group mentoring tool that uses an inspirational, practical and experiential approach to women’s wellbeing and empowerment.

The aim of the program is for each woman to develop an understanding of her own personal worth, strength and purpose and to realise the potential within her to fulfil her desires.

According to a statement in relation to SHINE Women, “Equipping women to identify themselves as valuable, build confidence, self esteem and self worth, underpins the aims of SHINE Women.

In addition the aim is to develop respect and boundaries in relationships, understand that they are able to have a positive influence in this world and identify personal desires and strengths to motivate them to act and achieve personal goals.

“All people have strengths but many are unrecognised and unused by the individual. SHINE Women focuses on addressing the strengths and skills the participants possess rather than their weaknesses of deficits.

“SHINE Women is a non confrontational, confidential and safe group where friendships are formed,” the statement concluded.

For more information on how you can become part of the Condobolin SHINE Women’s Group contact Marathon Health on 02 6821 1500 or CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Family Support Worker Jackie Coe on 0429 080 631.

Last Updated: 17/11/2021By

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