Condobolin Public School held an ‘Odd Sock’ charity fundraiser for the Grow Foundation, which supports Mental Health and Well Being Programs on Tuesday, 26 October.
Students and staff raised at total of $465.
One in five Australians aged 16-85 experience mental ill-health in any year.
The Grow Program is a mental health support program based on lived experience. This means Grow groups are a meeting of peers, who are striving to develop and maintain good mental health.
“Reducing the stigma of mental ill-health and raising awareness of this serious issue, while having some fun, is what Odd Socks Day is all about!” www.grow.org.au said.
“We want to see everyone openly discuss mental ill-health issues, just as you would with a physical injury or any other health issue. One in five Australians aged 16-85 experience mental ill-health in any year.
“When you wear odd socks you’ll be helping GROW raise awareness of mental health issues and help to stamp out the stigma around mental ill-health. By wearing a pair of Odd Socks you’re on your way to starting the conversation about mental wellbeing.”
The Grow Program is based on a 12-step program of personal growth, mutual help and support. The Grow Program is all-inclusive and draws on many principles for mental, social and spiritual health.
“At each meeting, members, known as Growers, share how they came to GROW and how they’re exploring self-improvement as they work on their personal recovery. Recovery isn’t a straight road and that’s where the support of other Growers can help. Everyone in the group has opportunities to share their experiences of coping with mental ill-health,” www.grow.org.au explained.
“Joining a Grow group is free – you don’t need to have a referral or a doctor’s diagnosis and groups are confidential. You can even choose to remain anonymous.
“Our meetings take place in a safe, caring and confidential way, whether the meetings are face-to-face or online (we call our online meetings eGrow groups).
“Grow group meetings are weekly and go for about two hours. The groups vary in size from 3-10 members and newer members are supported by experienced members who have worked through the Grow Program.
“At each meeting, Growers will have opportunities to share any of their life challenges or issues, but sharing is your choice. Some first-time members choose not to speak or share, and that’s okay. There’s no pressure.
“What makes GROW special is the practical advice and the lived experiences that are shared each week by our members. The peer-to peer style of support has been proven to be a positive way of helping you remain on the road to recovery.”
The GROW Board works on five values and principles – personal responsibility, personal value, mutual help, friendship and community.
They act ethically and always take responsibility for their actions; They believe every person has intrinsic value; They collaborate and share knowledge, skills and expertise for the personal development of leadership for all; They support each other and act with courage in the best interest of GROW; They create a caring and sharing community to provide a sense of belonging, social connectedness, and purpose to everyday life.
If you’d like to know more, you can call 1800 558 268.
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