By Melissa Blewitt
Have you ever thought about standing for Council?
Lachlan Shire Council will host a number of Candidate Information Sessions across the shire to assist potential candidates who are considering nominating for the upcoming Local Government Elections to be held on Saturday, 4 September 2021.
“The sessions will provide an opportunity to learn more about the role and purpose of local government; the role, responsibilities and expectations of a councillor, and the electoral process and I invite anyone who is interested to come along,” Lachlan Shire Council General Manager Greg Tory urged.
Sessions are as follows: 10 June 2021 (Thursday) 6pm at Lake Cargelligo Memorial Hall; 15 June 2021 (Tuesday) 6.00 Condobolin Council Chambers; 24 June 2021 (Thursday) 6.00pm at Fifield Hall; 28 June 2021 (Monday) 6.00pm at Tottenham War Memorial Hall; 29 June 2021 (Tuesday) 6.00pm at Tullibigeal Community Hall.
For further information on the sessions please contact Council on (02) 6895 1900 or email to access more information on the election, visit the NSWEC at or phone 1300 135 736.
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