Condobolin High School students attended a Tertiary Awareness Day at Forbes High School recently. They were able to discuss different employment opportunities and forms of Tertiary study they could undertake after leaving school. Image Credit: Condobolin High School Newsletter (Term Two, Week 4).


By Melissa Blewitt

Condobolin High School students were able to discover different career paths at the Tertiary Awareness Day recently.

On Wednesday, 21 April, eleven students from Year 12 travelled to Forbes High School for the Annual Forbes EXPO with Mrs Moon, Miss Borsovszky and Mrs Doyle.

“The Forbes Career EXPO is held to give students the opportunity to discuss with organisations different employment opportunities and forms of Tertiary Study that they can undertake after leaving school,” a blurb in the Condobolin High School Newsletter (Term Two, Week 4) on page six said.

“Some of the organisations that attended the Expo were TAFE, Defence Forces, Tocal Agricultural College, Essential Energy, Marcus Oldham Agricultural College, UAC, Skillset, Vocational Training Organisations, UNSW, University of Sydney, CSU, UNE, University of Wollongong, University of Newcastle and IMCS.

“Over fifty organisations attended on the day.

“Students then visited Ray White where Kim Noakes, their Leading Rural/Residential Salesperson spoke to them about a career in Real Estate.

“A big thank you to Miss B for driving and to Kim Noakes for taking her time to talk to our students,” the blurb concluded.

Darcy Hope had the opportunity to look at different career paths at the Tertiary Awareness Day at Forbes on 21 April. Image Credit: Condobolin High School Newsletter (Term Two, Week 4).

Darcy Hope had the opportunity to look at different career paths at the Tertiary Awareness Day at Forbes on 21 April. Image Credit: Condobolin High School Newsletter (Term Two, Week 4).

Last Updated: 09/06/2021By Tags: ,

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