Chris and Beth receiving flowers from Narelle Hayward. Image Contributed.


Lake Ladies Bowls

Round Robin results:

Wendy defeated Julie 11-7; Narelle defeated Bev 13-8; Leanne R defeated Judy 8-7; Beth defeated Karen 22-1; Del defeated Kerry 16-6; Marg defeated Leanne 16-4.

It has been a great competition with Beth Fisher, Chris Leadbitter and Donna Brown winning the competition by 1 point.

In other bowling news: The ladies played West Wyalong S and C on Saturday. Marg McCarten’s rink went down by 4 shots and Julie Twomey’s rink one by 3 shots. Overall lake went down by one shot.

Kerry Turner has organised a regional representative – David Inglis to come to Lake Cargelligo on Friday 16 of April at 6pm to discuss ideas on grants, assistance and amalgamation. We need as many people to attend as possible.

Contributed by Lake Ladies Bowls Publicity Officer Leanne Cain.

Last Updated: 07/04/2021By

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