Gerard Elias, Max Johnson, John Bramphied, Kay Ticehurst, Father Vincent Kamba, Jill Broadley, Tony Broadley, Pam Nicholl, Helen Atkinson, Annie Ryan, Dianne Kelk, Susannah Ford, and Tom Turner. Image Credit: Kathy Parnaby.


On Sunday, 14 February the Condobolin Catholic Parish Council and parishioners farewelled Father Vincent Kamba. After a farewell Mass, a light supper was enjoyed outside the Church.

Father Vincent is off to Broken Hill and Father Getulio will be the new Catholic Priest. Father Vincent will assist Father Getulio with Mass on Sunday, 21 February and then he will make his way to Broken Hill.

Catalina Elias, Veritty Turner and Peter Elias.

Catalina Elias, Veritty Turner and Peter Elias.

Biddy Brady, Kay McCumstie, Pauline Wrigley, Paddy McCumstie and Father Vincent Kamba.

Biddy Brady, Kay McCumstie, Pauline Wrigley, Paddy McCumstie and Father Vincent Kamba.

Archie Ryan St Joseph's Parish School Condobolin Captain, Father vincent Kamba and St Joseph's Parish School Condobolin Captain Molly Ticehurst.

Archie Ryan St Joseph’s Parish School Condobolin Captain, Father vincent Kamba and St Joseph’s Parish School Condobolin Captain Molly Ticehurst.

Last Updated: 03/03/2021By

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