Show President Jeff Kirk said the decision to cancel the 2021 Condobolin Show was not taken lightly and he thanked the community for their ongoing support during these uncertain times. ABOVE: Condobolin Show PA Announcer Lyndsey Douglas and Show President Jeff Kirk in 2019, the last time the Show was held before COVID-19 pandemic began. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.


The 2021 Condobolin Show has been cancelled.

“I hope people understand that this decision was not taken lightly, and I look forward to a more favourable situation in 2022,” Show President Jeff Kirk explained.

“Thank you to everyone for your support and understanding during this time of such uncertainty. With your continued support 2022 will be huge.”

The current COVID-19 situation and community’s safety were paramount in making the difficult decision to cancel the event.

“The Condobolin Show Society regrettably announces the cancellation of the 2021 annual Show that was set down for 27 and 28 August,” a statement from the Condobolin PAH and I Association said.

“This difficult decision is a result of what those present at the committee meeting On Thursday, 15 July, considered the unacceptable degree of risk to the community currently posed by the COVID situation in the east of our state.

“Since the 2020 show’s cancellation the committee had high hopes for a spectacular 126th show but it has become increasingly apparent in recent days that without a crystal ball there is no guarantee that the Show would be able to proceed in the first instance and certainly no way of knowing the conditions and limitations that may yet be imposed.

“It is hoped that cancellation at this stage, while far from the ideal, will give exhibitors, competitors, traders, Showmen’s Guild members and the general public the opportunity to consider alternative arrangements and to reduce the financial risk.

“We are deeply sorry to them and to local businesses and suppliers, and to our wonderful sponsors and supporters,” the statement concluded.

In coming weeks, some alternative local activities will be announced including a Showgirl dinner as well as those competitions that proceed from local level to group with the opportunity of representation at Sydney Royal.

Press Release.

Last Updated: 28/07/2021By

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